Children in Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We build on skills acquired in nursery and work towards Early Learning Goals.
The curriculum is broken down into three prime areas of learning
•Personal, Social and Emotional Development
•Physical Development
•Communication and Language
And four specific areas of learning
•Understanding the World
•Expressive Arts and Design
We aim to help your child develop their knowledge and understanding in a variety of fun and practical ways. Favourite topics include “Space”, “Around the World”, “Night and Day” and “Mini beasts” to name a few! We also encourage our children to lead their learning by planning in additional activities that follow children’s current interests.
At Clover Hill, we are extremely lucky to have enormous and beautiful grounds available to us. In addition to this, Reception Class has its own outdoor space that we may access freely throughout the school day, we call this ‘The Patio’. At the end of each half term we invite children to come to school in warm and comfortable clothes for ‘Take it Outside Day’. We will spend most of the day outside engaging in games and activities to enhance learning in a focus area of our curriculum.
We hope our class page gives you a flavour of life in Reception Class at Clover Hill!