Clover Hill Primary School

Summer 2 2024 - Reception Class Newsletter

Clover Hill Primary School – Reception Class – Summer 2 2024

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a lovely half term with your family and friends and that you are ready for our final half term in Reception. It is difficult to believe that we only have a few short weeks left!

You will find an overview of the activities we are aiming to be involved in over the coming half term below.  We will also be encouraging the children to lead their learning by planning in additional activities that follow the children’s current interests. 

Our P.E. sessions continue to be each Wednesday with daily opportunities for outdoor play.  Could you please ensure that long hair is tied back for P.E. lessons.  As the weather can be lovely at the minute please send a cap or sun hat and ensure sun cream is applied before school.  Home readers continue to be changed each Friday if readings book s have been read at least three times.

Please do not hesitate to come and see us if you have a query about any aspect of your child’s time in school.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Early Years Team

Important dates for your diary!


à Tuesday 18th June - Class photos to be taken

à Wednesday 19th June - Summer Disco 3.30-4.30 - children can wear own clothes all day

à Thursday 4th July (all day) - Pirate Day!  Children to wear pirate costumes if they would like to.

à Friday 12th  July—Sports Day on the field at 9.15am  - parents and carers invited to spectate - bring a chair or rug or you can use one of our crates to sit on (we expect this to last for around an hour)


Summer Term

Journeys and Pirates!

Our new topic really lends itself to many creative learning opportunities, we will be learning about Pirates from now until the end of term. We will be:

· Reading and writing pirate stories

· Finding out about legendary pirates

· Making pirate hats

· Making treasure maps

· Labelling pirates

· Writing messages in bottles

· Building pirate ships

· Taking part in pirate role play

· Singing pirate songs…and lots more, me hearties!


· Introducing 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20 

· Place value (19 is one 10 and nine units)

· Consolidating recognition and ordering of numbers to 20

· Addition by counting on, subtraction by counting back

· Doubling, halving and sharing

· Capacity

Ongoing learning


PD – Games / Ball skills

Technology– Programs to support curriculum areas

EAD – Drawing/ collage/ painting/ colour mixing

French – Counting, greetings, songs


Codes :

PSED = Personal, Social & Emotional Development

PD = Physical Development

EAD = Expressive Art & Design