Clover Hill Primary School


Subject Overview


To understand and use French vocabulary, grammar and phonics
To expose children to a new language and understand the language structures.
Compare French to English, discuss similarities and differences.
To hear and read language from authentic sources.
To develop skills in reading, writing, speaking and understanding a new language.
To embed skills into children’s long term memories.
To develop understanding of a different culture and way of life.
To develop confidence and a ‘can do’ attitude when speaking, reading or writing a new language.


French is timetabled in Years 3-6.
Each class to teach one 30 minute lesson per week followed by at least 3 10 minute follow up sessions.
We use the Rachel Hawkes scheme as a basis for our phonics teaching.
The scheme has a curriculum overview and detailed power points and teaching notes for each lesson and follow up sessions.
The scheme has a two year program in years 3/ 4 and a program in Years 5 / 6. Each year within the two year cycle repeats phonics and grammar but indifferent contexts and with different vocab.
The French subject leader has French qualifications and has lived in France and is therefore able to help other members of staff.
We have enhanced French teaching with opportunities to attend language after school clubs.
French teaching is monitored by the French subject leader and areas to develop identified.


Children enjoy leaning a new language .
Children can use and understand French grammar, phonics and vocabulary.
Children can read, write and speak in French and understand spoken French.
Children have knowledge of aspects of French culture.
French is accessed by children of all abilities.
Book scrutinies and interviews with children show that skills are developed across school.


All provision for pupils with SEND is in line with the school’s SEND Policy.

Equal Opportunities

At Clover Hill Primary School, the curriculum for French will develop enjoyment of and commitment to stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all our pupils irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. All our pupils have a secured entitlement to participate in the French Curriculum and our teaching approaches ensure the avoidance of stereotyping when planning work or organising groups. All the teaching staff agree that when using reference materials, they should reflect social and cultural diversity and provide positive images of race, gender and disability.

 Curriculum Map