Clover Hill Primary School


Subject Overview


We want children at Clover Hill :

To master fluency of mathematical skills 
To reason and use logic and to solve problems in different contexts. 
To understand Maths in real life contexts. 
To enjoy Maths lessons and all things mathematical. 
To understand and use the correct mathematical vocabulary. 

How is Maths taught at Clover Hill?

Maths is taught daily throughout the school. The national curriculum is followed by each year group supported by the use of White Rose Maths.  All teachers follow the school’s Calculation Policy which was revised in January 2022. 

Throughout the teaching of maths at Clover Hill, links are made across the curriculum e.g time and measurement in P.E; graphs in science. Links are also made to other strands of maths e.g times tables to fractions. 

Basic skills are constantly reinforced. This is done by daily maths quizzes, Recap and Revisits, (R&R)  which recap on previous learning and incorporates for pre- learning for the next block of teaching.  This is done to help develop the children’s long-term memory across all strands. 

Investment in resources is paramount to maths teaching across the school. Online packages are used: Doodle Maths, Times Tables Rockstars, Espresso and Education City are available for the children to use at school and at home to develop their maths skills and knowledge. Teaching Assistants are used to support groups. We use a set 5 manipulatives and representations across the school   

Misconceptions are addressed by live marking within the lessons. This allows for any errors to be identified and intervention put in place to develop and enhance a child’s understanding. This is also supported by self and peer marking at the end of lesson so a child can see where they have made errors straight away. This means further intervention can be planned immediately.  

We use PUMA assessments to help monitor progress across all year groups. These tests provide maths ages for the children and ensure that we can track the children against the same standard throughout their time at Clover Hill. 
 Every term teachers have a pupil progress meeting with the Head Teacher to discuss the cohort and individuals. Intervention plans are prepared in advance and discussed as a way forward to help children who may be struggling or require more challenge.  Interventions programmes are used across the school: Plus 1, Power of 2 and Depth Learning.  


Children can apply maths skills to real life situations. 

Children have a positive, confident attitude towards maths and enjoy using their skills. 

Children have automatic recall of facts which they use when problem solving. 

Teachers are aware of children’s strengths and weaknesses and plan sequences of lesson to support and deepen their learning. 

Children who need intervention are identified swiftly. 

Parents are aware of what and how children are taught maths and are able to reinforce skills at home. 

Long Term Memory 

Maths skills are taught, consolidated and reinforced daily. They are built upon and added to as a child develops. 

Daily maths quizzes and home tasks help to embed long term learning. 

Real Life Relevance 

We want our children to see the real-life relevance of maths. We make links to real life situations where maths would be applied e.g., fractions of a pizza, measuring for a new carpet. 

Enquiry – Based Learning 

Once children are fluent in their maths skills, they can apply this to enquiry-based questions. We want children to know that questioning can lead to deeper understanding and can increase knowledge. 


All provision for pupils with SEND is in line with the school’s SEND Policy.


Intervention programmes that take place out of the classroom will also be used to target children that require further support in their Maths work. All pupils will have equal rights and access to high quality Mathematics teaching. Interventions are evaluated to ensure impact and cost-effectiveness.

Equal Opportunities

At Clover Hill Primary School, the curriculum for Maths will develop enjoyment of and commitment to stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all our pupils irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. All of our pupils have a secured entitlement to participate in the Maths Curriculum and our teaching approaches ensure the avoidance of stereotyping when planning work or organising groups. All the teaching staff agree that when using reference materials, they should reflect social and cultural diversity and provide positive images of race, gender and disability.

Curriculum Map