Clover Hill Primary School

Summer Newsletter

Published: 25 Apr '24

Year 4 Summer Term Newsletter

Dear Year 4 families,

Here we are in the summer term already! It’s a really busy term with lots going on, I will keep you up to date with events via Marvellous Me.

Year 4 Summer Term Curriculum:

English: Genre

Historical Fiction – Reading and writing narrative within a real setting in time and place.

Character studies/writing in role as a character

Features and purpose of a variety of non-fiction newspaper texts. (Reports, adverts)

Stories from another culture


Word classes – nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions

Fronted adverbials and prepositional phrases.

Expanded noun phrases

Present, past future tense

Verb inflections


Vocabulary choices – synonyms

Standard and non-standard English


Inverted commas and punctuation for dialogue and extended speech

Apostrophe for possession and contraction

Commas within a sentence (use with fronted adverbial, added clauses, within a list)

Review capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks.

 Maths: Areas Covered - Times table facts up to the 12 x table in preparation of the test in June.

Areas taught include decimals, money, Geometry (position and Directions inc co-ordinates), statistic and a general consolidation of all areas taught throughout the year.

 Science: Electricity - Continued

* identify common appliances that run on electricity.

* construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers.

 * identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery.

* recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit.

* recognise some common conductors and insulators, & associate metals with being good conductors.

Living things and their habitats

* recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways.

* explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.

* recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.

Geography: Where Should We Settlement?

Children head back in time to find out how the towns and cities of the UK first developed. Children will learn about the needs and requirements early settlers had when choosing a place to build a home.

They will look at place names around the UK to see how the Anglo-Saxons, Romans and Vikings all left their mark. Through use of digital and paper maps, children will investigate land use in different sized settlements and the ways in which settlements are linked together.

History: What did Anglo-Saxon Britain look like?

Children will learn about Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots, including: Roman withdrawal from Britain in c. AD 410 and the fall of the western Roman Empire, Scots invasions from Ireland to north Britain (now Scotland), Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements and kingdoms: place names and village life, Anglo-Saxon art and culture, Anglo-Saxon laws and justice, Edward the Confessor and his death in 1066.

 PE: Tennis, Rounders, Swimming and Athletics

 Music: We will be using our school music scheme Charanga to learn different styles of music, play instruments and new songs. The children will learn and use musical terminology such as rhythm and pitch.

Unit 5 Charanga -Blackbird (Pop)Glockenspiel Instrumentation Play, copy back and compose simple rhythms using 3 notes C,D, E.

 RE: Christianity

Beliefs, Teaching and Sources, Expressing Meaning and Values and Commitments


Expresso Similarities and Differences/ Healthy and Happy Friendships Identity and diversity. Seeing different perspectives and not making judgements based on appearance.

How to keep yourself safe.

Apple’s friends Module 5 & 6

Module 5- Change is part of life / Different types of change / Coping with loss

Module 6 -Dealing with disappointment / Ways to cope with worries/

Celebrate Together

 DT: Light Up Torches, Cooking and Nutrition (prepare a stew/pottage which would be a healthy, hearty meal) and Textiles (make an Anglo Saxon Purse).

 Art: Anglo Saxon Art -Charcoal/pastel fire paintings, design and decorate ornate letters inspired by the Lindisfarne Gospels/ Saxon Chronicles, draw out designs for a stained glass window, create a Stained glass windows.


Programming Turtle Logo


Useful diary dates:

·         Cricket Coach  - 26th April (PE Kit to be worn)

·         Paralympian in School – 29th April (PE Kit)

·         Year 4 Football 3-v-3 at Whickham Comprehensive School (PE Kit)

·         Statutory Times Tables Test – Week beginning 3rd June

·         KS2 Outdoor Orienteering Activity Day at Gibside (PE Kit & Packed Lunch required)

·         Chase Park Festival 8th June

·         Occasional Day – School Closed - Friday 21st June

·         Tennis Skills Whickham Comprehensive School (PE Kit) 26th June

·         Class swap morning Tuesday 2nd July

·         Sports Day – Wednesday 10th July

·         End of year report sent home – Friday 12th July

·         End of term – Friday 19th July


PE: Tuesdays and Thursdays (Swimming payable via arbor)

 Homework: Given on a Friday, completed by the following Tuesday

 Reading: Daily x 20 mins

 Spelling test: Tuesdays

As always, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns at all, I am available every morning before school as well as at the end of each school day.

 I look forward to continuing to working alongside you and your child.

 Mrs Hunter (Teacher) & Mrs Logan (morning Teaching Assistant